Modern Musings

Asking For Help

Hooo boy I never thought I'd be the one to write this one... Which is exactly why I must. Isn't life funny?

I'm learning something very important in this season of my life, from multiple ancient and modern sources, and that is how utterly okay it is to ask for help.
The avoidance of unnecessary suffering is a completely worthwhile goal, no matter how you look at it, and the only obstacle in that regard for most people is pride. As a culture, we don't want to be perceived as weak, which makes sense if you look at it from an evolutionary, tribal, ancient hunter-gatherer band mentality...But we don't live in that sort of environment anymore. We understand the need to resolve one's struggles, both inner and outer, and the resources to relieve one's suffering in those domains exists, if only we can bring ourselves to seek them.
From my experience, despite appearances and what most people might assume, the loved ones who truly care about us would rather see us seek assistance with a challenge we struggle with, than to watch us suffer in silence, along with the consequences of that silent struggle, as we cope in all the unhealthy ways humans do when pushed to the limit. The example we set in allowing ourselves to be seen as imperfect and willing to change will do more for those in our lives than sucking it up and for the sake of being seen as tough or [insert culturally-reinforced label]. The truth is, the people in our lives can already tell we don't have it all together, and the more we try to feed them that lie, the less they'll trust our words. Allowing oneself to be seen as a work-in-progress gives others the permission they may desperately need to ask for help themselves, and I think that's a gift worth giving.

Thanks for reading. And if you’re also feeling the urge to seek help but don’t know which direction to go, here’s what I’m using. Hope it helps


P.S. It's always only ever love or fear. We can only operate from one of those two sources, so do your best to overcome your fear and always operate out of love, because it will contribute to a healthier world all around. Take care ✌